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  • Marla M.

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    So you live your life pain free, no broken bones, no god awful sprains, nothing to prepare you for the pain that greets when you hit ‘senior’ status and have an accident. Not fun, not even a little bit. That injury tripped off osteoarthritis in my major moveable joints, knees and elbows. When I finally faced my denial and went to the doctor, I had good care though they did not automatically recommend physical therapy. Former RN, MSN that I am, it took awhile for me to suggest this treatment modality to them and they were all for it. Once I got the orders, off I went to Core Performance in Newport Beach. Three months ago, I entered this facility a defeated woman mourning my loses that included the kind of mobility that allowed me to be an active yoga practitioner until the injury changed all that. I could go on singing the praises of this center that offers an open shared space for all to rehabilitate in but a space is nothing without the professionals that help you do the ‘heavy lifting’ required of rehabbing your body. My physical therapist, Christie Warner, DPT, and her assistant Rylan, can’t be thanked enough. Being with them in sessions truly is the highlight of my week. Why? I’m getting better, through my hard work and their consistent direction and guidance, I am improving at every level. It’s been tough, for sure, but I know when I’m with them, I’m in the safest hands. As Rylan reminds me often when I’m trying something new and have a bit of fear, “I gotcha.” Christie, at the top of her profession, has taught me so much about how to make my body work better. If you have the bad fortune of needing P.T. and live in this area, run (okay, maybe you won’t run) so hobble over to Core Performance and let them help you out because, provided you are willing to help yourself, they will. Many thanks to my team, I am eternally grateful.

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