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What is Hamstring Tendinopathy (originating near the hip)?

Hamstring tendinopathy near the hip, often referred to as high hamstring tendinopathy, is a condition characterized by pain and tenderness at the point where the hamstring muscles attach to the ischial tuberosity, just below the buttocks. This condition is common among athletes, particularly runners and those involved in sports requiring sudden starts, stops, or jumping. The pain may be exacerbated by activities that involve stretching or contracting the hamstring muscles, such as running, bending forward, or climbing stairs.

Physical Therapy for Hamstring Tendinopathy (originating near the hip)

Physical therapy is a critical component in the management of high hamstring tendinopathy, focusing on alleviating pain, restoring muscle function, and preventing recurrence. Initial treatment typically involves rest and reducing load on the hamstring to allow the tendon to heal. Modalities such as ice, heat, or ultrasound may be used to manage pain and inflammation. Gentle stretching exercises can be introduced early on, aiming to maintain flexibility without exacerbating the condition. These should be performed carefully to avoid putting excessive strain on the affected tendon.

As the acute symptoms improve, the rehabilitation program progresses to include eccentric strengthening exercises, which are particularly effective in treating tendinopathies. Eccentric exercises involve lengthening the hamstring muscle under load, helping to improve tendon strength and resilience. Core and gluteal strengthening exercises are also important to address any biomechanical issues that may contribute to the condition and to provide better support for the hamstring muscles. In addition to exercise, physical therapists may employ manual therapy techniques to improve soft tissue mobility and reduce pain. Education on activity modification, proper warm-up techniques, and gradual return to sport or activity are essential components of therapy to ensure a safe and effective recovery. With a comprehensive and individualized approach, physical therapy can significantly improve outcomes for patients with high hamstring tendinopathy.

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