Massage therapy is a much needed form of manual therapy that helps reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, and promote wellness. With the overwhelming lifestyles that we imply on ourselves nowadays, muscles can become tense and pain can develop from stress, particularly when working in front of a computer or spending hours looking down on a cellphone. Massage therapy accelerates the healing process and provides optimal muscle performance for the daily rigors of life.
What exactly are the benefits of massage therapy?
- Alleviates low-back, mid-back, and neck pain;
- Eases medication dependence;
- Reduces post-surgery adhesions and swelling;
- Reduces spasms and cramping;
- Relaxes and softens injured, tired, and overused muscles;
- Relieves migraines;
- Enhances immunity by stimulating lymphatic flow—the body’s natural defense system;
- Exercises and stretches weak, tight, and atrophied muscles;
- Helps athletes of any level to prepare for and recover from strenuous workouts;
- Increases joint flexibility;
- Lessens depression and anxiety;
- Promotes soft tissue, scar tissue and stretch marks regeneration;
- Pumps oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs to improving circulation;
- Assists with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers;
- Releases endorphins—amino acids that work as our body’s natural painkillers.
Positive outcomes of massage therapy translate to decreased anxiety, enhanced sleep quality, greater energy, improved concentration, increased circulation and reduced fatigue. Furthermore, patients often report a sense of perspective and clarity after a massage session. The emotional balance that massage provides to an individual can often be just as vital and valuable as the more tangible physical benefits.